indagine: L’uso della casa durante l’isolamento (2021)

Echoing the experience of the lockdown, this 658-page concertina book is a condominium complex that houses all the responses received from the survey. This is about honouring each individual participant through a 37,5 m long flexible structure that can be open and shaped according to the pleasure of the visitor. Fluidly moving in the space, the book tries to challenge the concept of stability that we have towards places.

About the survey
In January 2021, during the third lockdown in London, I felt the need to investigate and document the experiences that everyone was living in the secrecy of their houses, analyzing how life was adapting and compressing into the domestic space.
With the aim of giving prominence and value to these experiences, I created an online survey (survey: the use of the house during lockdown) . I decided to share it on Facebook, joining an exaggerated number of groups – each of which represented different cities – to reach more people as I could. 657 people contributed to the survey anonymously, mapping a large and well-distributed sample in Italy and a few cities in other countries.
Focusing on how the domestic spaces and our habits changed during the lockdown, the survey collected ordinary experiences with at times, ironic and dramatic shades. It traced a complex portrait of Italy during a period of exceptionality that questions itself about new ways of inhabiting spaces.
Read the survey

︎ Swipe left and click on one page to read the survey responses
Animations Series
indagine: L’uso della casa durante l’isolamento, 2021. Short film. 3000×1080 px, 3’ 24’’